Breeder bucks at BDRL Whitetail Paradise Farm are either 100% pure Texas genetics or a combination of some of the best Texas and Northern genetic foundations. We utilize our proven pure Texas and environmentally tolerant doe lines and breed to the best genetics in the country! Our doe lines consist of the Frauline, Vickie, Mustang Creek and Clint which have proven time and time again in Texas, as well as here at BDRL Whitetail Paradise Farm, their toughness and the track record for throwing big bucks. Our breeding strategy is twofold.
First, we implement excellent outcrosses using pure Texas, Northern, or Texas/Northern bucks to achieve that “Clean Typical” look with incredible mass we all love to see in our bucks and what the industry continuously desires! Secondly, we meticulously utilizes a line breeding program to further optimize our existing genetics to achieve “consistency” and the “look” that farms and preserve owners throughout the country are seeking!
Breeder Bucks for Sale
- “BEYOND XPECTATIONS”, 4 Year Old Typical; DNA # 106965; see pedigree and picture | SOLD, semen available
- “BLACK JACK”, 4 Year Old Typical; DNA# 160966 see pedigree and picture | SOLD, semen available
- “I M 4” DNA# 234797; Very Typical Remedy Son! Very Calm, Total Gentleman!! | SOLD
- “CAPTAIN” DNA Pending | SOLD
- Select Yearling Buck for sale!!
- Select 1,2 and 3 year old bucks for sale!
For more information on our breeder bucks and buck fawns for sale, call us at 561-762-2983 or 772 -888-6554.