Our primary goal at BDRL Whitetail Paradise Farm is to provide our customers with the best genetics that money can buy; therefore we breed with the best bucks in the industry! We are constantly doing our homework on sire production, marketability and survivability along with which sire will optimize the production of our doe line. Some of the biggest and best bucks in the nation have come from the AI sires we are using here at BDRL Whitetail Paradise Farm and we intend on keeping the tradition alive here in Florida. Again, our breeding strategy is to achieve as much antler production as possible while striving for that “Clean Typical” look with the environmental tolerance the industry needs, especially here in the south! Our AI sires consist of a variety of pure Texas, mixture of Texas and Northern genetics, and pure Northern. Given our pure Texas doe lines which offer the toughness needed to survive in the swamp coupled with the industry leading AI sires we are introducing into our breeding operation each and every year, the sky is the limit at BDRL Whitetail Paradise Farm.
Gladiator, Gladiator II, Express and Big Boy are all pure Texas lines that have proven time and time again that their bloodlines produce massive results in both bucks and does. Beyond Control (Maxbo Son) being pure Northern has been used for years to produce early maturing Breeder Bucks and Trophy Bucks across the nation and potentiating doe foundations. The AI Sires on the marketing block now being “Big Stitch”, “Perfect Dream”, “ Gladiator XL” and “Remedy” all being used here at BDRL Whitetail Paradise Farm and all showing great production not only on our farm but across the nation! We are not only excited to see the antler production out of these AI Sires but we are very excited to see what the production potential of their does will be.
We invite you to view all pedigrees on the farm at North American Deer Registry at deerregistry.com.